Crickhowell Walking Festival

8th to 16th March 2025

Please see Stop Press for latest updates & news


Please see Stop Press for latest updates & news 〰️

CWF 2025

We hope you enjoyed the walks and events of the 2025 Walking Festival which, for the foreseeable future, will be known as “the dry festival”. Overhead and underfoot the conditions were almost perfect, so hopefully we’ll have more of the same next year when the Walking Festival dates are 7-15 March 2026.

We have received a substantial number of excellent photos from walkers for entry in the Photo Competition and thank you for those. We will be announcing the winners and contacting them directly to arrange prize collection/presentation in the next few weeks. A collection of the photos will be available for viewing on the website shortly after that.

The Sole Survivor Distance Challenge also attracted some impressive entries. Well done to all of you who tested your shoes over the week. We will announce the results on the website before the end of March.

Thank you for the feedback received during and following the festival. This has been substantially positive. Given that our aim is to have happy walkers, it is always pleasing to receive good feedback about the walks and particularly the walk leaders and assistants who volunteer their time and are essential to the Festival’s success. If you wish to provide feedback of any kind including ideas and suggestions it will be very welcome (email:

We look forward to seeing you in 2026.

Best wishes,

Andy, Bill, Caroline, Jane, Margaret, Rick, Sue, & Tony

CWF Committee


Festival head/neck wear available for purchase from CRiC and Crickhowell Adventure Outdoor & Equipment (£12.95)